

09:00 - 09:30 - Registration

An opportunity to network with peers new and old, and view the exhibition before the conference begins. 

09:30 - 09:40 - Chairs Welcome & Introductions 

CIWM Cymru Centre Councillor, Jane Cherrington, welcomes us to Cardiff and begins the conference by setting the scene for the topics being discussed throughout the day, along with an update on CIWM's Welsh Centre activities. 

09:40 - 09:55 - Morning Keynote Presentation 

 More information to follow soon! 

09:55 - 10:20 - Presentation: Sector Policy Update 

A policy update from The Welsh Government's Andy Rees MBE on the latest policy measures impacting the sector, including any impending changes. 

10:20 - 11:05 - Panel Discussion: How are you applying the waste hierarchy to help cut costs?

As we continue to evolve in the operating and managing of wastes in line with policies supporting sustainability targets, this discussion will focus on the practicalities of these changes including: 

 - The role of the waste hierarchy and policies like EPR and DRS in supporting economic support while minimising waste. 
 - Have we driven ourselves into a recycling loop? 
 - Harnessing circular models and the other 'R's' to help cut long-term costs. 
 - Preparing for the incoming change of ETS, what does this look like? 

Moderator: Jane Cherrington, Local Partnerships 
Louise Bowe, INCPEN

Additional panelists to be confirmed 

11:05 - 11:30 - Break & Exhibition Viewing

As you digest the morning's sessions, why not grab a refreshing drink, network with industry peers and take a look at the exhibition. 

11:30 - 12:30 - Breakout Workshops 

Attendees have the choice of three breakout workshops to pick from focused around the theme of 'the road to net-zero' including: 

- ETS for LA's, how best to prepare 
Join this practical ETS focused workshop to collaborate on how best to prepare for the incoming changes, what support there is and the wider remit of resposibilities LA's have to think of relating to operational challenges. 
This workshop will be facilitated by Local Partnerships

- Climate adaptation 
More information to follow soon. 
This workshop will be facilitated by the WLGA (Welsh Local Government Authority)

- Driving the Circular Economy; sector attractiveness, workforce retention and the net-zero skills plan
Discuss the latest work helping with recruiting into the sector, workforce retention and enabling pathways for early career professionals. Also hear an updated about the net-zero sector skills plan in line with the Welsh Governments work in this space.
Workshop facilitator to be confirmed. 

12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch & Exhibition Viewing 

Enjoy a delicious lunch as you catch-up with industry colleagues old and new, network with our solutions-focused exhibitors and swap notes on what you've learnt so far. 

13:30 - 14:30 - Breakout Presentations 

Attendees have the choice of three breakout presentations to pick from, around the theme of 'practical steps for resources' including: 

- Key learnings from a year of workplace recycling  
Hear about the latest figures from a year of workplace recycling, and what these key learnings tell us in supporting higher efficiency rates and areas for growth. 

- Unpacking packaging; materials and business models 
As we see more practical use cases of reusable packaging being rolled out to markets, this session will explore the challenges, opportunities and potential changes from brands and producers from their experiences within this space; thinking about initial product and material design choices, and the impact these have on business model opportunities, to driving behaviour change for sustainable consumption. 
areas for growth. 

- Digesting the challenges of food waste  
Almost a year since food waste collections became mandatory, what have the key learnings been, what is the data telling us, and what challenges are we seeing? Join this session to hear the current state of play for tackling food waste collections and to help feed into potential solutions/ next steps. 

14:30 – 15:00 - Break & Exhibition Viewing 

Time for networking and viewing the exhibition stands. 

15:00 - 16:00 - Presentations: Best-practice in Wales 

Highlighting best-practice in Wales, the insights presentations will delve into specific examples of exciting innovations happening across Wales from circular material processing to innovative infrastructures.
More information to follow soon! 

Moderator: Ben Maizey, Dauson Environmental Group/ CIWM Welsh Centre Chair 
Panelists to be confirmed

16:00 - 16:25 - Afternoon Keynote Presentation: EU Horizon Scanning 

More information to follow soon! 

16:25 - 16:30 - Wrap Up & Closing Remarks

As the conference comes to a close, CIWM's Cymru Centre Chair, Ben Maizey takes us through highlights from the days sessions and how we can look further afield for inspiration to embrace sustainable changes.