If you would like to find your local WasteSmart centre* please click here click here to be redirected to our list of approved WasteSmart centres.
*Please note that the centre location is the head office and not necessarily where courses take place.
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Please note that all the information included here regarding particular WasteSmart centres and course details are provided by the individual WasteSmart centres themselves. Scheduled WasteSmart courses are provided only by the Centres, none of whom are part of the CIWM Group. Customers and users are, therefore, advised that CIWM (and all other members of the CIWM Group) provide no warranty or guarantee whatsoever concerning the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website relating to either the WasteSmart courses or the WasteSmart Centres. Customers and other users are advised to obtain and review copies of terms and conditions; privacy, data protection and other policies/documentation, as appropriate, from the WasteSmart Centre before entering into any contract or agreement. All questions, concerns or complaints relating to the courses, information or any other matter should be addressed to the individual WasteSmart Centre concerned.