Waste Legislation Essentials - Virtual Training


This online training course provides an understanding of waste legislation in the UK. 
To address the highly diverse aspects applicable to different waste sites, the course is delivered by a 3-hour e-learning course, followed by a 2 hour tutorial with our expert tutor, which is tailored to the delegates.

What can I learn?

The e-learning part of this course will cover; 
  • An introduction to the permitting and licensing processes which cover treatment, recovery and disposal of waste, as well as in introduction to waste exemptions
  • UK waste legislation, and key issues relating to the legal definition of waste
  • How to practically comply with Waste Duty of Care 
  • Essential elements of hazardous waste controls 
  • New and future waste policy and regulations which may affect your day-to-day role, including Extended Producer Responsibility and Deposit Return Schemes.
This will be followed by a scheduled virtual tutorial which will be led by one of our expert tutors, and will give delegates the opportunity to ask questions specific to their role or organisation. We'll also deep-dive into the following;
  • Overarching regulatory frameworks including Waste Duty of Care and Duty of Care checks 
  • Permitting and licensing 
  • New and future waste policies and regulations 

Who should participate?

Anyone who has the basics e.g. Waste Smart, Intro to Management of Resources and Waste Management,  Waste Legislation Essentials (online) and who wants to update on any key changes and what’s happening around other important topics e.g. circular economy, net zero/ carbon etc. with respect to waste and resources sector. 

This will be relevant to anyone working within the waste and resource sector, waste producers, consultants, regulators, Local Authorities etc who have a remit for waste and resources.

Book your place on one of our upcoming virtual training programmes:

Prefer to learn in a face-to-face environment?

In addition to our virtual courses and e-learning courses, we also run a variety of classroom-based training courses throughout the year.