My e-learning resources are not loading…
Selecting an e-learning course from your products list will automatically load the e-learning course within a new window. If you are having issues viewing or accessing any of your purchased courses, please check the following:
- You are connected to the internet – all of our products require a good internet connection in order for them to correctly load and run. Please ensure that you have a secure, stable internet connection before attempting to access any of your e-learning. This will give the optimal performance and experience for you.
- You have disabled any pop-up blockers – when you click on any of your purchased eLearning you will be directed to our secure e-learning platform within a new window. This window should automatically open as a new webpage, but please ensure you have disabled any internet pop-up blockers that may prevent this page from loading. You’ll find instructions on disabling pop-up blockers on the introductory when you access each of your e-learning courses.
- You may have to clear your cache – internet browsers store certain information on previous website visits and settings to help optimise customer browsing. Occasionally, your internet cache may prevent you from seeing the most recent, up to date content. This may impact your access to the CIWM e-Learning Hub website and your e-learning. Many browser issues can be fixed by simply clearing your cache. Ensure you regularly clear your cache through your internet settings to ensure this does not impact access to your e-learning. As the process is different for each browser, if you are unsure about how to clear your cache, please use a search engine to understand how to clear your cache depending on your browser.
- You may have exceeded your number of attempts – some of our e-learning have a limit on the number of times users can access and view them. This information is clearly stated within the instructions and introduction for each course. If you have exceeded the number of attempts for a course then you will no longer be able to access it. Please contact us on 01604 823341 if you wish to extend your access.
- You may have exceeded the time limit of that course – some of our courses have access limited to a fixed period of time. This information is clearly stated within the instructions and introduction for each course. If your access to your e-learning has expired then you will no longer be able to access it. Please contact directly if you wish to extend your access.
- Known issue with Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) – there is a known issue with IE11 and the launch of our e-learning. If you are using IE11 to login to your account and open the course, the pop-up window for our eLearning platform will automatically launch when you select a course, but you will have to manually ‘expand’ the window to full-size in order for the course to fully load.
- If you experience an issue where you can access the e-learning, but some of the content is missing or jumbled up, this may be due to Active X Filtering which occurs in Internet Explorer. If this is on you will have a tiny no entry type sign in the corner of the pop up screen. If you click this you can switch active X filtering off for the page.
- Finally, if you experience any difficulties when viewing content on a mobile device, please see if it can be resolved by using a laptop or desktop.
Please be aware that some internet browsers behave differently. We recommend all customers use Google Chrome on desktop computers and laptops to view our e-learning as they have been optimised to run best on this browser. Please also ensure that you have Adobe Flash Player version 10 or higher installed on your computer.
If you have checked all of the above but are still having issues accessing your e-learning, please get in touch with us, email or call 01604 823341.