CIWM expresses concerns over Government’s response to DRS consultation

CIWM has responded to the publication of the government’s response to the 2021 consultation on a Deposit Return Scheme for England, Northern Ireland and Wales by saying that, whilst we support the concept in principle, we are still of the opinion that the scheme should wait until both national packaging EPR and Consistent Collections in England have been fully implemented. 

In pressing ahead, we are at risk of introducing a scheme that could be very costly and might not have been needed if the desired outcomes from consistency and EPR are realised. While CIWM can see the merits of excluding glass from a DRS, the fact this has not been applied across all nations means that there will be inconsistencies introduced at a time when we are trying to make collections more consistent.

CIWM is dismayed with the proposed method of payment to local authorities for DRS material that ends up in their management. The overwhelming response back to government was that redeeming deposits was not workable, and so our local authority members will be disappointed with this development.

CIWM urge government to resolve the issue of VAT on the deposit as a matter of urgency so that all involved have a clear way forward on the finances involved in the scheme.

CIWM also query the ambition of the timetable for the introduction of the DRS. With little over 12 months between the DMO being appointed and the scheme due to go live, there is a concern that the mobilisation period is too tight and puts too much pressure on the IT and take back systems.

While supporting the principles of DRS, CIWM still believes that the research to back up the claimed reductions in littering is still not as full as it could be. CIWM is also concerned that the carbon impacts of a DRS based on return vending machines was not fully explored as part of the previous impact assessment and therefore the lack of a digital DRS solution, despite the positive findings from the trials in Wales, could be an opportunity missed.


Notes to Editors:

CIWM: CIWM is the leading professional body for the resource and waste management sector representing over 5,000 individuals in the UK, Ireland and overseas. Established in 1898, CIWM is a non-profit making organisation, dedicated to the promotion of professional competence amongst waste managers. CIWM seeks to raise standards for those working in and with the sector by producing best practice guidance, developing educational and training initiatives, and providing information on key waste-related issues. More information can be found at

Press contact for CIWM:
Kelly Carter, Communications Manager
Tel: 01604 823335 or 07921 310245