Prevention, Reuse & Repair Technical Community


The Technical Community shall concentrate on the top of the hierarchy, from preventing waste and how this can be achieved, along with ideas for reuse and what needs to change to make this easier.  Preparation for re-use and repair are key to reuse, linking these aspects of the hierarchy together. These features relate to any origin of material.  Enabling discussion to make strategic contributions towards waste prevention in the UK and Ireland; promoting secondary use of materials, goods and products. 

Terms of Reference

  • Consider resource efficiency and conservation of resources
  • Influence and support national waste prevention programmes and the development of SCP programmes in UK and Ireland
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders as effectively as possible
  • Disseminate knowledge and understanding on best practice pertaining to prevention of waste and resource efficiency
  • Respond to relevant consultations, enquiries on behalf of CIWM
  • Prepare and implement an action plan which will be reviewed regularly
  • Raise awareness of waste prevention to be considered/incorporated in environmental product design/improvement/longevity
  • Raise awareness and support programmes seeking to change/influence behaviours with reference to waste prevention and reduction
  • Focus on specific materials, guided by WRAP and government priorities (to be advised)


Any CIWM member can engage with the Prevention, Reuse & Repair Technical Community through the Connect Platform.  CIWM encourages those that work in the Bioresources sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team

Join a Technical Community now

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click on the link and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

If there are any questions please contact the Policy and Technical Team