First Aid for Mental Heath Level 1 Awareness

First Aid for Mental Heath Level 1 Awareness

This course is for anyone who wants to know more about mental health conditions, how to recognise them.  It also looks at how to start a conversation with someone and signposting to relevant professional help. 
Successful completion of the course leads to an Ofqual regulated level 1 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health (Scotland – SCQF level 4 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health).

This course will cover:

What is First Aid for Mental Health?
Identifying mental health conditions
Providing advise and starting a conversation

How is the course delivered?
The course is delivered remotely using Zoom (or similar platform). The live session is 3 hours (with breaks).  A course manual is provided along with additional resources to help prepare for the assessment.

The assessment is a 30 minute 1:1 discussion with the course tutor, this is arranged separately to the live training session.

It can be delivered as either an in-house course or attended as a scheduled open course. 

Who is the course delivered by?
The course is delivered by a mental health professional with experience working within the waste and resources sector.

Online Booking Fees
CIWM Members:   £140 + VAT
Non Members:      £175 + VAT

If you experience any issues with your booking then please contact the Member Support Team on (01604) 620426.
Please note:  For a seamless booking experience, please use Google Chrome as your internet browser

25/01/2021 09:00 - 12:00
via ZOOM

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