Charter and Constitution
The Institution's Royal Charter was granted on 1 March 2002 and came into effect on 1 July 2002. Amendments to the Charter and Bye-Laws were granted by the Privy Council by her Majesty the Queen on 27 July 2004. The Royal Charter sets out the Institution's "objects"........
"to advance for the public benefit the art and science of wastes management worldwide and so to promote education, the protection of public health and the preservation of the environment, and for that purpose to further promote and maintain good standards of practice, competence and conduct by all its members".
The Royal Charter forms the basis of the Institution's Constitution together with its Bye-Laws (which may be varied only with the approval of the Privy Council), Regulations (which may be varied with the approval of the Annual General Meeting of CIWM Members) and Practice Directions (which may be varied by agreement of the Institution's General Council).
Royal Charter
Bye Laws
Practice Directions
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