James Jackson Award

The James Jackson Award is presented annually to any individual member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, for the best paper on the topic of waste or resources management. Eligible papers should have been published between 1st June 2016 and 31st July 2017.

The award consists of a single medal for the best formal written paper on the topic of waste and/or secondary resources management or related topics, presented by any individual member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, irrespective of their class of membership.

Eligible papers are not restricted to those presented in CIWM publications. Papers presented in CIWM and ISWA publications will automatically be included in judging; authors writing in any other publications can submit their papers directly to CIWM.

Completed entries should be sent to the Education & Training Department at CIWM by 1 September 2017, either by post to CIWM, 9 Saxon Court, St Peters Gardens, Northampton, NN1 1SX; or (preferably) e-mail education@ciwm.co.uk.

Download the application form

Please email your application to education@ciwm.co.uk

Entries for 2017 have now closed